Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday we went to the Apple Pan, and I was really looking forward to it. I know now that I should have done a little more research before hand.

I guess we couldn't have known that the place only sat like 30 people and that all of those seats were at the counter...bizarre right? But, still I like to be prepared in situations such as these, I like to know the proper or agreed upon etiquette before entering so as not to be shamed in front of the everyday patrons (you know the people that go there so often that they have a sandwich named for them? yeah, I suppose I care what they think of me).

Well upon entering it became entirely obvious that we were not going to be eating for a while...all counter seats were full and there were already people waiting. So we waited, and waited and then waited some more only to find that we should have called out the number in our party before entering so that we could have been seated together. There are no posted signs, you are just supposed to know, and that is fine, I am hip to that, I like secret clubs, but only when I am in them. So we finally sit, order, eat, blah blah and the food is pretty good and so on, but I can't shake the feeling that we are doing it wrong, like I should be engaging in some elaborate handshake with the customer to my left or that I should have offered the first bite to the goddess of hamburgers. So I left feeling a little unfulfilled, I didn't want to be given a parade for my ordering competence in this confusing situation or anything like that but I guess a certificate for completion of the most difficult seating square dance ever, with out practice or prior knowledge would have been good. I do recommend this place, but don't expect any hugs or eye contact from the waiters...they don't have any time for that.

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