Friday, October 29, 2010

Oh Hello!


I am here again. Here I am. Right here. In your face, on your screen.

This has been a long break, for real. I think I forgot about the circle and the ladies, sorry.

Here are a few things that I have been working on.

FIrst -


Check it out. I am your long lost Home Ec. teacher. Let bake a ham. I am not a one woman operation however, Heather makes cheese and does too many things to list. You might love us. I think you will.

Second -

Archie ate something weird (Thai food, I know) and broke out in the most disgusting awful hives. He looked like a monster. His already fleshy face swelled up to astronomical proportions. But he never acted sick or in pain, in fact he was biting me continuously until he passed out from the Benadryll. He is fine now and no more Thai Food, I promise.

Third -

I made an ET costume and forgot to take a picture. Sheesh.

Fourth -

Tomorrow is halloween and I need a fake beard.

Be back soon,
