Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunflowers are delicious...

We had several tiny sunflower plants pop up in the past week. I strategically planted them to hide our aging above ground jacuzzi, how classy is that, I ask you?

Anyhow, I went out to check on the garden this morning and I noticed that ALL of the sunflowers, that were at least and inch and a half tall, were GONE! Was is the skunk that lives under the jacuzzi? classy skunk. Was is the rogue gang of bunnies that terrorize passers by on the river bed behind our house? Was is Ryan thinking they were weeds come to thwart maximum giant pumpkin growth? The answer is I DON"T KNOW! Except Ryan, he did not do it, I called him at work to ask. I really did, and it was really that important. really.

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