Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm Back!

I know, it has been really quiet around here for the past two days. I have a long list of excuses for you, beginning with one about my busted laptop battery. That is the best one from the list, second only to impromptu European vacation, which is just not true and too cruel to joke about.

But I am back and I missed you all. In the desperate moments after realizing the fate of said computer battery, I decided that I would turn my post into a flyer and deliver them to all of your homes. There were problems with this idea as you can imagine. So needless to say, I had to just wait it out. Still though, I do not have a working computer, so I am using my husband's laptop and all of the keys are in the wrong place and its cold and it keeps correcting me. This computer thinks it's better than me. It needs to stop being so shiny and foreboding.

In other news, I bought a whole bunch of canning supplies this weekend. I have never canned a thing in my life. But I have some help...more about that later. The reason I bring this up is that I made a trip to the Farmer's Market this weekend to collect some fruits and/or veggies to can. I ended up with 50% canning foods and 50% tamales which is good, the odds are stacked against me in a situation where foods and samples are displayed. I am excited to get started. But I am three steps behind a mountain of projects that is catching up with me and I can't seem to get a thing done. This is where life gets funny (not funny ha ha, but funny strange)... because it seems to me that the more I have to get done the slower things move forward, the less I feel like being productive and the less that ultimately gets done. Lame Carole, really a job to do? get started. Pep talk to me and I hope it works.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carole..
    I am the same when I have a lot to do.. it's like trying to run in fairly deep water. Sometimes it's just better to float. lol
    At the moment,I have so many projects and so many other things to do,,with an added bonus of very swollen legs (no idea why)..that I've come almost to a halt. I need a cattle prod to the backside to get me started... I wish renewed energy for both of us....and anyone else that needs it..
